Labels:reckoner | sky OCR: ATB FIC Imtrathoraci goitr acronm ight upper chest filn shows large mass in the tinum chest which is confluent with the media iargin Themedially and hasa well -defined lateral ication and mass does not contain any obvious calci ne left Theis only slightly displacing the trachea to ned rmiass right lateral view shows a clearly defi ed with a lying posteriory. The patient had presen tof the goitre and hac. noticed sorme enlargemer of hands and feet There were no symptor in the dysphagia or of thyrotoxicosis. The rass to be ir chest W8S subsequently shown on T scar atient was continuity with the cervical goitre The also found to have a pituitary turmour acrorne contair sliehthy richt some synptor dysrhacia